'Other' End Times News

Other news for 2020 which we believe relate to the end times and Bible prophecy. Revelation is fast fulfilling and we are nearing the final conflict. Our news pages are not here to excite people, but rather to show you the time we are living in. To help you see that we need to be ready for the last days, the time of touble and the second coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

REMEMBER: The world will 'wonder' after it's own and 'love' it's own. But the world will hate the true people of God, because the world hates Jesus Christ ... John 15:19 ...'If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.'

WARNING: Satan is soon to manifest signs and wonders through the fallen churches and false religions. And all who do not have a love for the TRUTH will be deceived by the 'STRONG DELUSION' that is to come (2 Thess. 2:9-12). Are you ready? Will you be sealed? Please seek the truth and turn to Jesus Christ now, as the time of probation is soon to close!

December 2020

Spain to make a 'register' for those who refuse the vaccine link

SIGNS OF JUDGMENT COMING - Huge Fireball Falls Out of the Sky and Crashes into Horizon in China link

SUNDAY REST LAW COMING - Mississippi governor declares Sunday a statewide 'day of prayer, humility and fasting' link

KING OF THE NORTH - DANIEL 11:45 - Erdogan Wants Only to Rule, Our Policy Must Match His Aims link

THE MAN OF SIN - Pope Francis teams up with UN to educate world on sustainable lifestyles, gender equality, global citizenship link

SIGNS - Antarctica rocked by 30,000 tremors in 3 months link

PATH TO SUNDAY REST LAW - EU sets ambitious new climate goal to cut emissions by 55 percent by 2030 link

Austrian lawmaker tests glass of Cola for Covid and claims POSITIVE result returned shows testing is worthless link

China's new digital currency will change the world as we know it link

VACCINE LIES - This man shows how the statement "Vaccine is 95 Percent effective" is a lie! link

Canada's Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won't Have 'Freedom to Move Around' link

SIGNS OF THE TIMES - Paris in FLAMES: Police retreat as protesters blast fire missiles - Bank of France hit link

US Department of Defense releases picture of Vaccination Record Card link

Red Cross President Demands Big Brother Censorship to Muzzle Skeptics of COVID-19 Vaccines link

SUNDAY LAW - Puerto Rico to lockdown Sundays due to Covid link

CHURCH-STATE - Supreme Court sides with California church protesting coronavirus restrictions link

SIGNS OF JUDGMENT COMING - Fireball causes boom, unnerving upstate New York link

SIGNS OF JUDGMENT COMING - Bright Fireball Lights Up Night Sky In Japan Over The Weekend link


November 2020

PLANNED CONTROL - UK Minister suggests that you won't have a normal life if you refuse vaccine [HOW IS YOUR FAITH? TIME TO BE READY!] link

TOOLS FOR THE MARK - EU leaders to call for an EU electronic ID by mid-2021 link

UK EXPECTING HIGH VOLUME OF VACCINE ADVERSE REACTIONS? Contract placed to provide AI tool to process 'high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction' link

GET OUT OF THE CITIES - NYC Will Have Covid Checkpoints at Key Bridges and Crossings link

Over 700 people infected with mysterious disease in Senegal link

TOOLS FOR THE MARK - Britons to receive freedom passes if they pass two Covid tests a week link

As COVID-19 Vaccine Nears, Employers Consider Making It Mandatory link

International Air Transport Association plans health passport to fly link

Shanghai airport plunged into chaos after a 'worker tested positive for Covid-19' prompting Hazmat-clad staff to herd THOUSANDS of people into basement for testing link

TOOLS FOR THE MARK - China calls for global QR code system to track international travel amid pandemic link

Former Pfizer chief says Pandemic is over and 'second wave' based on false tests link

THE NATIONS WERE ANGRY - Anti-Lockdown Protests All Across Europe link

GOD WILL NOT PUT UP WITH THIS - Scientists splice HUMAN genes into monkey brains to make them bigger in terrifying Planet of the Apes-style experiment link

Bibles and newspapers 'would be banned under new hate crime law' in Scotland link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Meet the Man Forging Africa's Cashless Future link

Facebook loses final appeal in defamation takedown case, must remove same and similar hate posts globally link

GET YOUR CHILDREN OUT OF SCHOOL - Army to carry out mass Covid-19 tests on children in Liverpool schools and assign barcodes to them link

'Something extremely bogus is going on': Elon Musk says he's positive AND negative for Covid-19 after taking 4 tests in 1 day link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Fingerprint Cards and Idex Biometrics introduce new technologies for payment cards link

TOOLS FOR THE MARK - Uganda to begin nationwide distribution of biometric ID cards to citizens link

Chinese government biometric surveillance intensifying amid pandemic response link

TOOLS FOR THE MARK - Philippines, Bangladesh enroll biometrics for ID cards to secure voter registration link

WAR AGAINST TRUTH - Coronavirus vaccine: UK Labour Party calls for emergency censorship laws against anti-vax content link

New Hampshire 5G Commission Issues Watershed Report Discussing 5G Health Risks link

REVELATION 13 - Once feared as Vatican meddling, Catholic ideas could help America move forward link

Biden virus task force experrt warns 'we're about to enter Covid hell' [WHAT DO THEY HAVE PLANNED? - GET RIGHT WITH GOD!] link

Boris Johnson meets Bill Gates to discuss plans to prevent future pandemics link

UK Government spends £670K on vaccine PR in 'war against anti-vaxxers.' [HOW ABOUT GETTING THE HEALTH MESSAGE OUT THERE BORIS?] link

MOTHER OF HARLOTS - Child sexual abuse in Catholic church 'swept under the carpet', inquiry finds link

JUDGMENT COMING - Fireball Soaring Across Northeast Sky Spotted By People Across Philadelphia Area link

DISTRESS OF NATIONS - Latest coronavirus lockdowns spark protests across Europe link

CONTROL AND SURVEILLANCE - Digital Health Passport to Include a Trusted Vaccination Digital Certificate link

SILENCE THE TRUTH - Laws coming to prosecute 'hate speech' IN YOUR OWN HOME? link

Police chief urges public to report neighbours if they have friends to visit during lockdown link

Durbin: We Cannot Allow an 18th Century Understanding of the Constitution to Dictate What Happens in 21st Century America link


October 2020

KING OF THE NORTH - How Erdogan steered Turkey from 'zero problems' to zero friends link

JUDGMENT COMING - Fireball explodes over northwest America - 'Biggest I have ever seen' link

TROUBLE COMING - GET OUT OF CITIES - Americans Are Frantically Buying Military Gear Before the Election link

48 dead in South Korea after receiving flu vaccine link

Germany to change constitution to allow federal agencies to hack mobile devices for surveillance link SEE ALSO here

IMAGE OF THE BEAST - Ministries to political leaders Launching in Delaware, Maine, and Washington State link

THE NATIONS WERE ANGRY - Thousands march in London in fourth anti-lockdown protest link

APOSTASY - Ganoune Diop takes part in ecumenical meeting which supports the Pope's Fratelli tutti encyclical link

ECUMENISM - Pope says 'No one is saved alone' during ECUMENICAL gathering in Rome link

AS IN THE DAYS OF SODOM - Pope Francis endorses same-sex civil unions: They 'have the right to be in a family' link

GET OUT OF THE CITIES - NYPD Officers Reportedly Preparing To Deploy For Election Unrest In Coming Weeks link

THE NATIONS ARE ANGRY - Bangkok Metro System Shut Down, Opposition Calls for Protests Amid State of Emergency link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Manufacturing of biometric payment cards for Middle East banks begins link

Covid-19 vaccine to be MANDATORY in Brazil's most populous state Sao Paulo - governor link

Philippines Government to start rolling out National ID - Going DOOR TO DOOR to enroll people! link

PUSHING CASHLESS SOCIETY - China hands out 1.5 million dollars of its digital currency in one of the country's biggest public tests link

KING OF THE NORTH - The Battle for Jerusalem: Turkey's Erdogan stakes his claim link

World's first Covid passport technology will be trialled on flights from Heathrow [LONDON] this week link

Military will be involved in distributing Covid-19 vaccine, UK health secretary confirms link

SIGNS - JUDGMENT COMING TO CITIES - Mysterious green fireball lights up Mexican skies, rains fire on northern state link

Is the UK heading toward medical martial law? link

Round up the 'anti-vaxxers'? Enlist religious leaders? Bill Gates warns US needs to brainstorm ways to reduce 'vaccine hesitancy' link

SIGNS - JUDGMENT COMING TO CITIES - Fireball that lit up Pittsburgh Skies Was Seen In 15 States link

SUNDAY LAW - Croatia heading towards work-free Sunday link

SUNDAY LAW - A 'climate lockdown' coming? Sunday rest law? link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - New Amazon One Lets You Use Your Palm -Not Plastic- to Make Payments link

SIGNS - California fires set bleak record as 4 million acres destroyed link


September 2020

NYC Students Leave Public Schools for Brooklyn Diocese Catholic Schools Amid Reopening Roadblocks link

SIGNS - Record flooding in Sudan Plunges 700,000 Into Hunger, Livelihood Crisis link

SIGNS - Record-breaking hurricane season runs out of traditional names, moves on to Greek alphabet link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Why the coming recession could force the Federal Reserve to swap paper money for digital dollars link

PEACE AND SAFETY, THEN SUDDEN DESTRUCTION - Trump hails 'dawn of new Middle East' with UAE-Bahrain-Israel PEACE deals link

SUNDAY LAW COMING - Time to Start Invoking the Ten Commandments in Political Debate link

CHURCH/STATE IMAGE OF THE BEAST - Head of US Federal Election Commission calls separation of church and state a 'fallacy' and 2020 election a 'spiritual war' link

TOOLS TO ENFORCE THE MARK - European Union is planning to establish an EU-wide digital ID system link

TOOLS TO ENFORCE THE MARK - Digital ID moving forward in Barbados as UK, Australia and Sri Lanka consider next steps link

No Lockdown Sweden becomes one of the safest places regarding virus link

Get Ready for COVID-19 FEMA Camps link

AMERICAN CONTROL - EARTH BEAST OF REV.13 - Hundreds of US troops and Abram tanks arrive in Belarus link

CHURCH-STATE - Ohio Mayor Surrenders City to Christ link

SUNDAY LAW COMING - Pope: Use pandemic to give the environment a vital 'rest' link

GET YOUR CHILDREN OUT OF SCHOOL - Tennessee parents asked to sign waiver NOT to listen to what their children are taught link

SIGNS OF THE TIMES - 10 million acres of corn, soybeans flattened by storm; farmers 'have never seen anything like this' link

TSA testing a biometric 'ID verification' system at Washington National Airport link

TRACKING - Apple and Google expand coronavirus warning software link


August 2020

ECUMENISM - Christians: Let's unite in pandemic to fight injustices link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Covid spikes cashless payments link

No jab, no JOB in Australia, as Bosses demand the right to sack their workers if they refuse to get a COVID vaccine link

SUNDAY LAW COMING - Peru President Reimpose Sunday Curfew to Curb COVID-19 Spike link

SUNDAY LAW COMING - Puerto Rico to lockdown every Sunday to curb covid spread link

SIGNS - The Biblical locust plagues of 2020 link

New Zealand to place all people with Coronavirus into 'quarantine facility' link

GET OUT OF THE CITIES - 'Give Us Your House!': Seattle Protesters Harass People in the City's Neighborhoods link

GET OUT OF THE CITIES - Over 50 people shot during weekend in New York City link

Towards a US-China War? The Creation of a Global Totalitarian System, A 'One World Government'? link

IMAGE OF THE BEAST - Pompeo's plan for a hierarchy of human rights could serve to undermine them all - including religious freedom link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Fed partnering with MIT to develop 'hypothetical digital currency' link

CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA - Bill Gates says COVID-19 is awful but Climate change could be worse link

Trust Stamp integrating biometric hash solution with Mastercard on children's vaccine record system link

DANIEL 11:45 - KING OF THE NORTH - Turkey's Erdogan - From Hagia Sophia to the Shores of Tripoli and Beyond link

COVID SCAM - CDC director agrees hospitals have monetary incentive to inflate COVID-19 data link

Singapore to make travellers wear electronic tags to enforce quarantine link

VISA announces global plans for crypto payments link


July 2020

KING OF THE NORTH - Islamists in Turkey launch 'now the caliphate' campaign link

SIGNS - Split societies, global chaos and World War Three: We could be in for the most tumultuous era in modern history link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Visa Blog Post Hints at Future Digital Currency Projects link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Bank of England Debating Digital Currency Creation link

SIGNS - Idaho started shaking March 31 and hasn't stopped! link

FALSE CHRIST's - Israel's Oracle Delivers Big Message from God: 'Messiah is Here!' link

Utah governor declares state of emergency due to 'civil unrest' link

CLIMATE AGENDA - French president backs creation of 'ecocide' crime link

Scholar forced to resign over study that found police shootings not biased against blacks link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - America moves closer to a digital dollar link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - National coin shortage in America link

KING OF THE NORTH - DANIEL 11:45 - Could Turkey and Iran join forces against Israel? link


June 2020

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Biometric payment card to be issued in France link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Biometrics-backed mobile money and facial recognition markets to grow as everything goes contactless link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Biometrics emerges as key mobile payments trend, Huawei launches digital wallet for retail POS sales in Thailand link

TOOLS FOR THE MARK - Digital identity for all push in Africa now has clarity and political will link

SUNDAY LAW COMING - Samoa PM wants to ban Sunday trading link

Al Gore, UN Secretary-General, others now demanding 'Great Reset' of global capitalism link

U.N. Chief Guterres Calls for One Supreme Body of 'Global Governance' link

THE PUSH FOR SUNDAY - Mike Pence To Mark 'Freedom Sunday' At Dallas Church As Texas Halts Reopening link

KING OF THE NORTH - DANIEL 11:45 - Is Turkish President Using Libya to Revive the Ottoman Empire? link

SIGNS - Tens of Millions of bees found dead in Croatia, Natural disaster declared link

KING OF THE NORTH - DANIEL 11:45 - Turkey vows to mobilize 'Islamic ummah' against Israel's annexation link

GET OUT OF THE CITIES - 14 Dead, 88 Injured in Chicago During Waves of Shootings Over Father's Day Weekend link

OPPRESSIVE LAWS COMING - New COVID-19 restrictions will be needed for anti-vaxxers link

THE BATTLE FOR SUNDAY - MARK OF THE BEAST - Catholic bishop urges UK to preserve Sunday as a day of rest link

ECUMENISM - Pope Francis, Italian bishop join interfaith coronavirus project that calls borders 'irrelevant' link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - KFC in Russia reopens with new, contactless restaurant link

SUNDAY LAW COMING - French archbishop calls for monthly 'lockdown Sunday' link

KING OF THE NORTH - DANIEL 11:45 - Turkey minister says Israel will face 'consequences' from Muslim nations if they annex West Bank link

SIGNS - Series Of Large Earthquakes Rock North Iceland link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - UK Banks to trial 'Behavioral biometrics' link

COMING SUNDAY LAW - Catholic Church calling to 'Bring back the blue laws' link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Walmart looks to remove all cashiers from stores link

ECUMENISM - Catholic-Lutheran reconciliation in 2021? Ecumenical group asks Pope to lift excommunication of Luther link

SIGNS OF THE TIMES - Tens of thousands across US march in support of black trans people link

SIGNS OF THE TIMES - US Justices rule in favor to protect LGBT workers link

'Rolling emergency' of locust swarms decimating Africa, Asia and Middle East link

ANOTHER PLANdemic COMING? The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario to Facilitate Medical Countermeasure Communication link

194 people killed by floods in Kenya link

President Trump visits shrine of pope John Paul II link


May 2020

UK Wants 5G 'Club Of 10' Countries, Including India, To Cut Out China's Huawei link

ROME'S SUNDAY LAW COMING - Green Sabbath: June 4th 2020, A Universal Day of Rest: an online discussion link

ECUMENISM - Pope Francis joins Muslim and Jewish leaders in united day of prayer to 'the All-Creator' link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Central Bank Digital Currencies On the Way link

GET OUT OF THE CITIES - Toledo: 911 Lines Flooded With People Reporting Others For 'Not Social Distancing' link

Coronavirus monitoring bracelets flood the market link

Plague of Locusts swarm in India link

IMAGE OF THE BEAST - Paula White's One Voice Prayer Movement: A Thinly Disguised Political Operation for Trump link

US army using biometrics and contact tracing link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Biometric payment cards coming? link

DIGITAL ID - Banks now launching selfi biometric ID recognition link

TIME FOR HOME CHURCH - UK churches consider ticketing for when they reopen after lockdown link

IMAGE OF THE BEAST - 300 US religious leaders urging Congress to protect faith-based organizations from facing COVID-19 lawsuits link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Coronavirus speeds up the move to cashless society link

HERE WE GO AGAIN! - China puts city of Shulan under Wuhan-style lockdown after fresh Covid-19 cases link

Governments may see immunity passports as a way of reopening societies, but they're a plunge towards totalitarianism link

CLIMATE AGENDA - Vatican ties virus rethink to pope's environmental appeal link

Here's why Bill Gates wants indemnity regarding COVID-19 vaccine - Are you willing to take the risk? link

TIME FOR HOMESCHOOLING - UK: No more pupils until track-and-trace goes national, school unions insist link

CLIMATE AGENDA - Do we need to blow up the economy to stop climate change? link

WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES - As court-imposed gag order expires, Canadian parent speaks out about his teenage daughter's state-enforced sex-change link

US CREATING A CHINA STYLE CREDIT SCORE? - A Credit Score For Your COVID-19 Risk? USC Gets Federal Funds to Create a Location-Based Mobile App link

WAR COMING? - War with China due to Coronavirus? link

CASHLESS/DIGITAL SOCIETY - NEC Advocates for Contactless Solutions in Response to COVID-19 link

DTP Vaccine kills more children in Africa than it saves! link

Bill Gates seeking to vaccinate the whole world! link

ECUMENISM - Pope Francis joins Muslim leaders in calling for world day of prayer to end the coronavirus link

Coronavirus UK: health passports 'possible in months' link

THE PUSH FOR SUNDAY LAW - A radical environmental proposal: A day of rest link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Covid-19 spurs contactless payments takeup - Mastercard link

WORLD UNITY - UN chief: Use coronavirus pandemic to rebuild our world for the better link


April 2020

WORLD UNITY - Mikhail Gorbachev: When The Pandemic Is Over, The World Must Come Together link

ATTACKING TRUE EDUCATION - Harvard professor wants to ban homeschooling because it's 'authoritarian' link

WONDER AFTER THE BEAST - All Humankind Should Heed Pope Francis' Call link

IMAGE OF THE BEAST - Trump says he's 'best president in history of the Church' in call with Catholic leaders link

ARMING OF AMERICA - Americans purchasing record-breaking numbers of guns amid coronavirus link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - China's Digital Currency To Be Given A Test Drive By U.S. Companies link

CLIMATE AGENDA - Barack Obama Warns Climate Change Will Be Far Harsher than Coronavirus link

SUNDAY LAW COMING - City of Naga (Philippines) declares Sundays as 'Expanded ECQ Day' link

Congress pushes Digital Dollar in another COVID-19 stimulus bill link

COVID-19 Coronavirus transition to digital economy link

SUNDAY LAW COMING - US theologian says virus is God's judgment - 'NO SABBATH REST' is one reason! [see number four] link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Cashless transactions spike in Singapore as Covid-19 forces public to adapt link

BRING DOWN CHINA - Senator Hawley Announces Bill to Hold Chinese Communist Party Responsible for COVID-19 Pandemic link

SUNDAY LAW COMING - Half of Americans say Bible should influence U.S. laws, including 28 percent who favor it over the will of the people link

Kushner's team seeks national coronavirus surveillance system link

Biometric IDs can be 'gamechanger' in coronavirus antibody tests, vaccine link

A single currency system for the world link

NO BUYING OR SELLING UNLESS YOU HAVE THE MARK - World will need new financial system after Covid-19 link

Four volcanoes erupt in Indonesia link

ECUMENISM - UN chief calls on religious leaders to unite in the fight against COVID-19 link

ECUMENISM - Pope Francis: May common difficulties lead to greater unity link

Pope Francis pushing for Universal Basic Income link

SIGNS OF THE TIMES - Trump declares major disaster in all 50 states for the first time in history link

FEAR AND CONTROL - Sen. Dr. Jensen's Shocking Admission About Coronavirus link

VACCINE PUSH - Lockdowns can't end until Covid-19 vaccine found, study says link

CLIMATE AGENDA - Pope Francis Says Coronavirus May Be Symptom of Climate Crisis link

So much for church-state separation: US government to pay pastors' salaries with relief funding link

BIG BROTHER - Facial recognition profiting from Coronavirus link

SUNDAY LAW COMING! - Trader Joe's, BJ's to join stores like Target, Costco in closing for Easter 'day of rest' amid coronavirus pandemic link

SIGNS - UN warns of worsening locust invasion in East Africa link

IMAGE OF THE BEAST IN AMERICA - Trump: 'Next election will be One Of The Biggest Dates In The History Of Religion' link

Henry Kissinger: The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order link

Trump On Coronavirus Outbreak: 'This Was Artificially Induced' link

CONTROL - Australian state will install home surveillance hardware to make sure if you're in virus isolation, you stay there link

CONTROL - Coronavirus: Google Releases Location Data To Help Authorities Check Lock-downs link

U.S. Military Seeks More Funding for Pacific Region After Pandemic link

SIGNS - 728 earthquakes along Wasatch Front in two weeks since Magna quake link

SIGNS - Yellowstone volcano: USGS records 111 earthquakes across park - is the volcano awakening? link


March 2020

SUNDAY LAW - Mayor Cam Guthrie: After COVID-19, I suggest everything be closed on Sundays to rest link

SUNDAY LAW - Premier of Quebec closing businesses on Sundays in April, particularly grocery stores, to give employees a chance to REST link

PERSECUTION - New York City churches caught holding services during coronavirus may be 'permanently' closed link

BUYING AND SELLING - Pope Francis wants coronavirus to change the way we do economics link

Coronavirus coup? As outbreak grows, authoritarians around the world seize the moment link

Chinese people destroying 5g poles as they believe this is causing the coronavirus link

BIG BROTHER - COVID-19 Phone Location Tracking: Yes, It's Happening Now link

Why does America have a Patent on the Coronavirus? link

A SIGN OF WHAT'S TO COME - Rhode Island Door Knocks in Search of Fleeing New Yorkers link

Ex British Prime Minister calls for global government to tackle coronavirus link

I am an American constitutional lawyer - and I see our government using Covid-19 to take away our fundamental rights link

ECUMENISM - World Council of Churches 'Global Lord's Prayer 'united for humanity' link

THE CALL FOR UNITY - UN Chief calls for world unity to fight Coronavirus link

SIGNS OF THE TIMES - Coronavirus: Pandemic is 'accelerating', WHO warns as cases pass 300,000 link

SIGNS OF THE TIMES - Why did nearly a million king penguins vanish without a trace? link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - The National Bank of Cambodia calls for cashless payments link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Will coronavirus spell the end of cash in Britain? link

Trump activates national guard in 3 states in USA link

SUNDAY LAW COMING - Trump declares Sunday 15th March a Ntional day of Prayer link

IMAGE OF THE BEAST - Phillip Jauregui Asks God to Give Christian Conservatives Control Over the 'Triple Crown of Government' link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - The China That Emerges After Coronavirus Will Be A Cashless Society link

Coronavirus was produced in a laboratory: Former CIA intel officer link

Coronavirus is US psychological warfare operation: Ex-US military officer link

Japanese TV report sparks speculations in China that Coronavirus may have originated in US link

Dengue Fever in Indonesia - 17,000 infected, 104 dead link

Australia to roll out digital IDs' biometric features for public testing in 2020 link

Massive Swarms of Desert Locusts Invade Iran's Southern Provinces link

Black rain falls in Japan link

KING OF THE NORTH - Turkey, Russia face off in Syria as fighting escalates, plane shot down link


February 2020

KING OF THE NORTH - Turkey in social media BLACKOUT amid fears of all-out war in Syria link

CLIMATE AGENDA - Climate Denial To Be Criminalized And Prosecuted link

EU poised to create massive transatlantic facial-recognition database, link with US link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Sweden is now testing its digital version of cash, the e-krona link

ECUMENISM AND FALSE REVIVAL - 'Revival' is taking place in Tennessee as various denominations partner together in prayer and fasting link

SUNDAY LAW - Majority of Germans say shops should be closed on Sundays link

SUNDAY LAW - Trade unions urge ban on working on Sundays in Serbia link

SUNDAY LAW - Sunday Shop Closure Proposal in Croatia link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Mapping out the Banking Elite's Goal for a Cashless Monetary System link

GET OUT OF THE CITIES - Coronavirus: Italy imposes strict lockdown in outbreak hotspots link

PLAYING WITH THE DEVIL - Watch a Mother Reunite With Her Deceased Child in Virtual Reality link

KING OF THE NORTH - Turkish Military Pours Into Syria link

SIGNS OF THE TIMES - UN warns of 'major shock' as Africa locust outbreak spreads link

Malaysian Government to Implement National Biometric Registration System link

Guyana to launch biometric national ID card, Portugal and Jamaica digital ID plans advance link

Biometric ID documents available in Ukraine, coming to Kyrgyzstan next year link

America's Nightmare Vision for Face Recognition at Airports and Beyond link

HARLOT RIDING THE BEAST - European Catholic Bishops Courting EU Judges link

BABYLON - Church of England Archbishop says SORRY for statement that said sex is just for married heterosexuals link

CLASPING HANDS WITH ROME - AdventHealth to sell Texas hospital to Catholic Christus Santa Rosa Health link

ECUMENISM - Interfaith leaders mark one year since Pope's visit to Abu Dhabi link

Leaders propose using environmental crisis to create economy and society on a human scale link


January 2020

Unprecedented Locust Invasion Approaches Full-Blown Crisis in East Africa link

BABYLON - Founder of Pentecostal Church in India and his followers return to Catholic Church link

SUNDAY AND CLIMATE DECEPTION - Catholic church linking Sunday with climate and 'care of creation' link

DANIEL 11:45 - Hundreds of Muslims chant - 'We will establish caliphate and liberate Jerusalem' link

SIGNS OF THE TIMES - Dozens dead in severe Brazil rainstorms link

SIGNS OF THE TIMES - Dozens dead in Madagascar flooding link

GET OUT OF THE CITIES - Cities on lockdown as virus spread in China link

ECUMENISM - Prince Charles urges 'unity and tolerance' in historic Bethlehem visit link

ECUMENISM - Faith leaders call for unity, 75 years after the liberation of Auschwitz link

PLACING SUNDAY AS THE SABBATH - A Trump Calendar Forever? link

CLASPING HANDS WITH ROME - The Court Case That Could Finally Take Down Antiquated Anti-Catholic Laws in America link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Amazon considers palm biometrics for touchless payments, tests terminal transactions with Visa link

SIGNS OF THE TIMES - Murder Level in Mexico Hits Record in 2019 link

CHURCH-STATE - In Taiwan, 40 percent more Christian candidates running for election than four years ago link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Big Brother Australia aims to ban cash spending link

Mystery virus spreading in China link

PUSH FOR WORLD UNITY - Pope Francis tells the powerful at Davos to focus on humanity, not power, profit link

THE PUSH FOR SUNDAY LAW - Remember when Sunday was a day of rest? link

FALSE REVIVAL - Awaken 2020 Religious gathering with Kanye West to fill up SUN DEVIL Stadium link

Mike Pence to meet Pope Francis in Vatican next week link

ECUMENISM - World's largest prayer gathering to celebrate gift of unity link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Malaysians set to embark on cashless journey via e-wallet link

CLIMATE AGENDA - Pope Slams Leaders on 'Weak' Response to Climate Change link

END TIME SIGNS - Why Are Volcanoes All across the earth Suddenly Shooting Giant Clouds Of Ash Miles Into The Air? link

Council on Foreign Relations Pushes Central Planning to Fuse Education With Economy link

IMAGE OF THE BEAST - At Movement 2020, Prayer Warriors Mobilize for 2020 Tent Events to Bring 'God's Government' to Earth link

America Is The 4th Worst Abuser Of Biometric Privacy Rights In The World link

LOOKING TO THE MAN OF SIN - Forget the Swiss - How about the Vatican to broker US/Iran relations? link

SIGNS OF THE TIMES - Why are Hundreds of Earthquakes Rocking Puerto Rico? link

BABYLON IS FALLEN - New Archbishop of York: 'Bible has to fit the current culture' link

IMAGE OF THE BEAST - Former White House Ethics Chief Calls Bill Barr 'Most Dangerous Attorney General in US History' link

Pope renews call for global pact promoting 'new humanism' in address to Vatican diplomats link

ECUMENISM - Egyptian president commends interreligious ties Between Muslims and Christians link

IMAGE OF THE BEAST - Trump Launches new Evangelical 2020 Coalition link

SIGNS OF THE TIMES - Australia is burning link

THE NATIONS WERE ANGRY - REV.11:18 - The Story of 2019: Protests in Every Corner of the Globe link

ISRAEL vs KING OF THE NORTH - Israel must prepare to confront Turkey in Mediterranean link

GET OUT OF THE CITIES - Baltimore sees second deadliest year on record in 2019 link

SUN WORSHIP - Australia Calls World to Start the New Decade in Sunrise Prayer Relay on New Year's Day 2020 link

CASHLESS SOCIETY - Africa's Quiet Cashless Payments Revolution link


Keep Watching and Waiting

'Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. (Matthew 24:42)

'Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.' (1 Thessalonians 5:6)

'But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.' (1 Peter 4:7)

'Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.' (Revelation 3:3)



There are so many things happening in this world today of which we have never seen before. Major events that are taking place more and more frequently and with more intensity. Bible prophecy is fast fulfilling and the final events are right upon us. Our end times news pages show clearly what is taking place and what is soon to come. Jesus is soon to return friends, 'even at the door' - and we need to heed the warning signs and be ready.