The Day of the Lord's return is approaching - Will you help us sound the warning?

"The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few."

Websites run by this ministry - - - - and more!

Hi friends, it's Mark from the UK. I have been running this ministry for over 18 years, and for the large part I have been self supported. The Lord has reached many thousands of people all around the world through this ministry, and I am humbled that God has been able to use this ministry for His kingdom. But as I see the day of our Lord's return approaching, I have reduced my paid working hours, in order to be able to put more time and effort into this ministry to continue reaching more people with the precious truths of God's Word. Also, a number of people asked about supporting this work and wanted to support a ministry they can trust, so I have set this donating option up because of that. Any support that you are willing to give to this ministry and missions we support will be greatly appreciated and used for God's kingdom.

Let me assure you, I make no money myself from this ministry or mission work. I live a simple life and have no desire for any worldly gain. My time and money goes into the Lord's kingdom as it all belongs to Him.

You can use my GoFundMe or my PayPal support options to give. (NOTE: I'm only using Paypal as another option because many people have been unable to donate via GoFundMe).

THIS MINISTRY: - If you support this ministry, you will be helping me to do more work through my websites, which are reaching thousands of people every week around the world. Also, I print and distribute tracts here in the UK and also help others here with outreach through literature evangelism. So if you donate to this ministry, you will be helping to further the work through my websites and also help the literature evangelism in the UK.

JAMAICA MISSION: - I am also supporting a mission in Jamaica through brother Garry and his wife. They are full-time Medical Missionaries, working full-time in this work since 2014. They have helped many people all over the world with various health complaints, ranging from mild illnesses to very serious cases like cancer, while at the same time sharing the gospel message.

Garry also runs the YouTube channel called "Pioneering Again" - SEE HERE

They run a Herbal Health Store and a Health Restaurant, which are run as a MINISTRY and NOT A BUSINESS and the Lord has blessed them for this accordingly. They are also currently building a much needed sanitarium and need the help to get this completed. Through the health store and restaurant, they are able to distribute lots of Bible literature and books, reaching many people with the gospel message and end time present truth.

Just to state that Garry and his wife do not charge for their time or services, because the majority of people in Jamaica have not really the means to pay for all their health care needs. All that Garry and his wife ask people to do, if they can afford it, is to cover the minimum expenses associated with their treatments.


MALAWI MISSION: - I have now started supporting brother Kennedy in Malawi, who came to the truth about God and His Son through this ministry. Brother Kennedy has started a small printing/publishing mission called - His mission is to saturate Malawi with the precious truth of Jesus Christ through tract and book printing and distribution. He has purchased a large printer to do this work and needs ongoing support for material costs.

SOUTH AFRICA MISSION: - I have also started supporting brother Moses and his wife in Lesotho, Southern Africa. They travel around doing Radio presentations and Bible studies giving the three angels message and health message. They also have a small health shop. They travel around different villages sharing the truth and distribute literature. They also help any poor people with the little means they have, shining the light of Jesus. Please pray for them to be faithful in God's precious work there.


NAMIBIA MISSION: - Another mission that I am now supporting is a church mission in Namibia through brother Ambrosius. They are a group of Sabbath keepers who now worship the one true God and His Son and have separated from the mainstream church and have formed their own church of 20-30 people. They use the studies from this website ( for their Sabbath worships. They are currently in the process of building a church building, which you can see from the picture. They are a poor people and so I am now helping them with funds to build the church building and share the gospel message. They regularly get new visitors to their church meetings to hear the truth from God's Word. What a blessing and honor to help in the Lord's vineyard!

You can use our GoFundMe or our PayPal support options to give to either choice.

Thank you! And God bless you.
