NEWS UPDATE - 2nd May 2024

The 'no buying and selling' prophecy of Revelation 13 is truly an amazing prophecy! Who, 2000 years ago, could have ever imagined that the world would have the technology to do away with cash and completely control our buying and selling through digital means? Only our Heavenly Father could foresee such a thing, which again, shows the divine imprint upon the Bible and the amazing prophecies it contains! And news is coming out regularly today showing this is just where we are heading:

"Over 98 percent of the global economy's central banks are researching, experimenting, piloting or deploying central bank digital currency (CBDC) to determine how to modernize the capabilities of and improve access to central bank money." (source).

We have moved from a barely-discussed fringe idea just a handful of years ago, to regular mainstream coverage and over 98 percent of the world's nations planning and trying out digital currencies. But we were warned ... "great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones." (Testimonies for the Church, Volume 9, p.11). With numerous banks collapsing and economies in dire straights, digital financial systems will be brought to the forefront, and sold as a 'good thing' to help the world's troubles. But there is a sinister agenda behind it.

We did a report back in March 2022 (SEE HERE) with a report from the director of the Bank of England saying that digital currency will be 'useful' to 'prevent certain people' from buying or selling. Sound like Revelation 13? "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (vs.17).

In America, the Federal Reserve have launched a new digital system that will sit right in between buyers, sellers and the banks as an authorizing system to authorize all payments and selling requests (SEE HERE). And which nation is at the forefront of conflicts and wars around the world to gain control? America. Which nation is at the forefront of placing sanctions upon nations (no buying and selling)? America. And as Revelation 13 confirms, the second beast, which is the nation of America, will be the nation to cause the world to take the mark of the beast - the mark of Papal Rome, the first beast of Revelation 13. But this digital currency is not the mark of the beast. It is merely the means, the tool, by which the mark of Papal Rome can be enforced and prevent those who refuse from buying and selling.

So is the Roman Catholic Church invovled in all this? We reported back in July 2021 that the Rothschilds, backed by the world's largest companies, created a new initiative called 'The Council for Inclusive Capitalism.' "INCLUSIVE" Capitalism? What does that mean for those who don't 'toe the line'? EXcluded! And who is guiding this council? The Vatican! (See our report on this HERE).

Do you see who is behind all of this? It is the Papal Church of Rome. God revealed in the books of Daniel and Revelation that the Papal Church of Rome would be that apostate power in which the whole world would be deceived into worshipping. "All roads lead to Rome" as the saying goes! And America will be the main nation to champion the Vatican's plans for world control, which is why America goes to war with any country that doesn't bow down to their agenda. And what is the end goal of the Vatican? For her Sunday rest law to be enforced around the world in opposition to Jehovah's holy 7th day Sabbath rest (our Saturday). And look at what Economists in America are now saying:

"A trio of economists has tied the rise in death and despair to the decline in religious practice in America ... The recent dramatic increase in deaths of despair, suicides, fatal drug overdoses, and deaths due to alcoholism, is directly connected to the decline in organized religion in the United States- and to the repeal of blue laws that once prohibited some commerce on Sundays in observance of the Christian Sabbath ... Using graphical analysis and difference-in-differences methods, the economists were able to map a DIRECT CONNECTION BETWEEN THE REPEAL OF THESE LAWS AND THE INCREASE IN DEATHS OF DESPAIR." (See our report on this HERE)

They are blaming the increase of despair in America on the repeal of SUNDAY LAWS! The very thing the Vatican is seeking to reinstate!

"It will be declared that the nation is offending God by the violation of the Sunday-Sabbath, that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced ... They will lament the great wickedness in the world, and second the testimony of religious teachers, that the degraded state of morals is caused by the desecration of Sunday." (The Spirit of Prophecy, Volume 4, (Great Controversy) 1884, p.408-409)

All that is being put in place in the world is for one thing; control over our lives in preparation for the mark of the beast - the mark of Papal Rome. And the sad thing is, the majority of professed Christians are being deceived by Satan to actually partake of this final deception by lifting up Rome's day (Sunday) in place of Jehovah's holy 7th day Sabbath (our Saturday), and also Rome's 3 in 1 trinity God in place of the one true God (the Father) and His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ). People are so caught up in the affairs of this life that they are blind to the true gospel and Satan's deceptions and will not only be taken in by Satan's final deception, but will actually persecute those of us who stand for the true gospel of Jesus Christ, in obedience to the commandments of God, including the 4th commandment, which does NOT lift up the first day of the week, but the 7th.

Be warned friends, great deceptions are coming to make the world, the churches and religions think that God is behind all of this and that it is for the better of humanity. The 'deadly delusion', 'signs and wonders', 'fire from heaven', spiritualism, 'people rising from the dead', 'healings', 'miracles' - all from Satan to deceive the world!

Revelation 16:13-14 ...'And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.'

'The dragon' = Paganism/Spiritualism. 'The beast' = Papal Rome. 'The false prophet' = Fallen Protestant America (Image of the Beast).

"Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of Spiritualism, the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome. Protestantism will yet stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of Spiritualism; she will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power; and under the influence of this threefold union, our country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience." (Great Controversy, 1884, p.405)

This is why we must no longer follow or trust in the church leaders. We must not follow any man, as great deception is upon us like never before. The only one we can trust is Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Only those who make Jesus Christ their leader and teacher and have a love for the truth of God's Word and live by it will be safe from the coming deadly delusion. This is why God is calling His people to COME OUT of the fallen churches (Babylon), because the fallen churches will be at the forefront of pushing the deadly delusion and final deception.

Everything we are witnessing in the world today are the tokens of Christ's imminent return, and the work going on behind the scenes in the world is the preparation for the final mark of the beast deception. Great persecution is coming for those who make a stand for the truth in Christ Jesus and the commandments of God (Revelation 13:15-17; 14:12). But if we are faithful, God will provide our every need in the last days (Isaiah 33:16), and GREAT will be our reward in heaven:

Matthew 5:11-12 ...'Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.'